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Holistic Multi-CDN Solution for Web Application Firewall, DDoS Mitigation and Web Performance Optimization.

Benefits of Multi-CDN

Uptime is regarded as one of the most important metrics or factors for anyone with online content. Hardware failures, malicious cyber-attacks, or online traffic spikes may result in the web server crashing; thus preventing users from accessing your online content/service.

As such, a CDN solution can minimise downtime (thus increasing availability and redundancy) through features like load balancing and intelligent failover.

Multi-CDN Features

Increasing security is an essential part of MyRepublic Multi-CDN solution – MyRepublic enhances your security through the provision of the following features:

DDoS Mitigation

We offer real-time 24/7 monitoring and response against the various forms of DDoS attacks (i.e. protection against Volumetric, Protocol, or Application attacks). Distributed scrubber centres then re-inject clean traffic back to the origin.

Web Application Firewall (WAF)

MyRepublic Multi-CDN has an integrated WAF infrastructure that allows for various levels of
protection (i.e. customizable rules to
ensure zero-performance-impact protection).

DNS Security

A low latency DNS security layer is incorporated
into our Multi-CDN solution. This guarantees
protection against disruptions while delivering
end-users to the fastest route

Gain the Multi-CDN Advantage for your Online Content

Due to the rapid advancement of digital technology, online digital experiences have become an increasingly important part of the overall long-term success of organizations with an online presence today. MyRepublic’s Multi-CDN provides a holistic solution that ensures availability & redundancy, reduces web page loading time, and protects against various forms of DDoS attacks.

Multi-CDN Packages


12 Month Contract


12 Month Contract


12 Month Contract

Multi-CDN Packages


12 Month Contract


12 Month Contract


12 Month Contract

Why Choose MyRepublic

Trusted Managed Solution Provider

MyRepublic Enterprise business portfolio covers the needs of a modern business, from networking, voice, cybersecurity, office productivity to being a trusted IT services.

Security at Every Critical Step

MyRepublic will work with you to ensure that your cloud environments are secured by design and are compliant to the industry’s regulations.

Cost Optimisation

MyRepublic’s cloud experts help you understand the Total Cost of Ownership(TCO) of running your infrastructure and optimizes for cost savings on the cloud.

Technology Training and Support

MyRepublic will work with your IT team along the cloud journey to ensure that your team are well equipped to understand the cloud and to get the best-in-class support.

Let’s get you started on your Multi-CDN journey.

Let’s start with a free assessment and begin your Multi-CDN Journey.

Fill up our contact form and register your interest in a Free Assessment.
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