ALERT: Stay vigilant and exercise caution against online scams. Never share confidential information, passwords, OTPs and bank details over calls, emails or SMSes.



International flights delayed, health services disrupted, and banking services frozen. This was the scene on 19th July as the world witnessed one of the worst global IT outages to date. Owing to a faulty software patch uploaded by security company CrowdStrike, global travel and businesses were faced with unprecedented disruptions as approximately 8.5 million computers across the world were rendered unusable by the infamous “Blue Screen of Death” booting error.

According to an October 2023 study, an estimated 94% of all companies globally use cloud software currently. The global mass adoption of cloud technologies was first noted during the COVID-19 pandemic and started as a way to maintain operational continuity during social distancing measures. Today, it’s become a proven way for businesses to generate growth. This pivot towards cloud-based services, driven by an abundance of fiscal and operational benefits, has seen cloud migration becoming the norm in everyday business.

OpenAI’s launch of Sora earlier this year marked a historic milestone in the advancement of artificial intelligence. Reminiscent of 90’s science fiction, Sora’s press release was accompanied by hyper-realistic videos that were indistinguishable from actual filmed footage. Unlike large-language AI models such as ChatGPT, generative AI models such as Sora and Midjourney exemplify the new wave of AI tools that promise to revolutionise the tech landscape.

Powered by high-speed internet access, information in the digital age travels at the speed of light. With the collective knowledge of the human race readily available at our fingertips, productivity’s dependence on quick and responsive connectivity has never been higher. This is especially true for businesses, many of which are undergoing digital transformations to embrace automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity.

Each year, businesses invest millions of dollars towards upgrading their cybersecurity defences to fend off cyberthreats. According to a recent Cybersecurity Drive report, cyber investments are projected to increase by 14% annually in 2024, with cybersecurity services accounting for the lion’s share at 42%. Despite the latest advancements and upgrades in cybersecurity technology, human vulnerabilities remain the foremost cybersecurity concern globally. Research and marketing firm Cyber Edge Group found that 82% of cyberattacks in 2023 exploited human weaknesses such as email phishing, in which cybercriminals can achieve entry points to access secure networks and hold businesses hostage with ransomware attacks.

Whether you’re a small-medium business struggling to gain a foothold in your industry or a burgeoning organisation geared for rapid expansion, the universal problem of profitability plagues every company regardless of size or industry. Two primary challenges – overhead costs and total cost of ownership for new assets, compel today's key decision-makers to make tough choices between efficiency and profitability. In response, third-party solutions have emerged as the optimal approach for businesses seeking to reduce overhead while establishing a cost-effective IT workforce.

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a rapid evolution in the landscape of cyber security and cyber defence. According to a recent report by the National Cyber Security Centre, AI has lowered the barrier for novice cyber criminals to carry out effective access and information gathering operations, which is likely to result in a global increase in ransomware attacks in the next two years.

Adapt or be left behind, Darwin's blanket approach to biological evolution draws similar parallels to businesses in the 21st century. As technology evolves, companies must learn to adopt and leverage these technological evolutions to come out on top and stay relevant. Businesses that fail to integrate new technologies might find themselves falling behind in the competitive landscape.

In response to the pressures of a tight labour market, businesses need to be competitive and progressive to attract and retain top talent. This imperative drove the launch of Singapore’s latest Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, according to members of the tripartite workgroup. Scheduled to take effect on 1st December 2024, the guidelines mandate that all employers in Singapore must fairly consider formal flexible work arrangement (FWA) requests and reply to them within two months. This precedent-setting development signals a push towards prioritising work-life balance, with stakeholders from all sides coming together to advocate for more FWAs within the workplace collectively.

Experiencing a data breach can have severe and long-lasting financial consequences. The costs associated with such incidents often go beyond immediate financial losses. Companies may face expenses related to investigation and remediation, legal actions and settlements, regulatory fines, and the implementation of enhanced security measures.

In November 2023, a ruthless cyberattack led to a 7-hour internet outage in public hospitals and polyclinics across Singapore. The disruption, categorised as a Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack, prevented legitimate users from accessing online services and crippled internal services such as emails and productivity tools. While the entire ordeal was contained without long-term consequences, a survey of local companies found that 86% of small-medium businesses were ill-equipped to defend themselves against a cyber attack. If you find yourself within that demographic, read on to find out how cybersecurity retainers offer round-the-clock protection for your business.

Unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters and cyberattacks can lead to network downtime, preventing business internet and data systems from running smoothly. When the network is down, employees face obstacles in accessing essential tools and data, resulting in lowered productivity. This ultimately brings about revenue loss. Fortunately, crafting a disaster recovery plan (DRP) can help businesses deal with unexpected challenges resiliently, particularly those dependent on commercial broadband, corporate internet, and other solutions. Join us to learn more about the key aspects of implementing a DRP.

Crowdstrike Crash

CrowdStrike Crash: 3 Essential Lessons for Businesses

International flights delayed, health services disrupted, and banking services frozen. This was the scene on 19th July as the world witnessed one of the worst global IT outages to date. Owing to a faulty software patch uploaded by security company CrowdStrike, global travel and businesses were faced with unprecedented disruptions as approximately 8.5 million computers across the world were rendered unusable by the infamous “Blue Screen of Death” booting error.

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Cloud Migration

Top Factors To Consider When Implementing Cloud Migration

According to an October 2023 study, an estimated 94% of all companies globally use cloud software currently. The global mass adoption of cloud technologies was first noted during the COVID-19 pandemic and started as a way to maintain operational continuity during social distancing measures. Today, it’s become a proven way for businesses to generate growth. This pivot towards cloud-based services, driven by an abundance of fiscal and operational benefits, has seen cloud migration becoming the norm in everyday business.

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Generative AI: How Your Business Can Benefit from Cloud Platforms

OpenAI’s launch of Sora earlier this year marked a historic milestone in the advancement of artificial intelligence. Reminiscent of 90’s science fiction, Sora’s press release was accompanied by hyper-realistic videos that were indistinguishable from actual filmed footage. Unlike large-language AI models such as ChatGPT, generative AI models such as Sora and Midjourney exemplify the new wave of AI tools that promise to revolutionise the tech landscape.

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Dedicated Internet Access

3 Benefits Dedicated Internet Access Can Offer Businesses vs Regular Broadband

Powered by high-speed internet access, information in the digital age travels at the speed of light. With the collective knowledge of the human race readily available at our fingertips, productivity’s dependence on quick and responsive connectivity has never been higher. This is especially true for businesses, many of which are undergoing digital transformations to embrace automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity.

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IT Workforce

IT Outsourcing: How Businesses Can Maintain A Cost-Effective IT Workforce

Whether you’re a small-medium business struggling to gain a foothold in your industry or a burgeoning organisation geared for rapid expansion, the universal problem of profitability plagues every company regardless of size or industry. Two primary challenges – overhead costs and total cost of ownership for new assets, compel today’s key decision-makers to make tough choices between efficiency and profitability. In response, third-party solutions have emerged as the optimal approach for businesses seeking to reduce overhead while establishing a cost-effective IT workforce.

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Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management: All You Need To Know About Discovering Blindspots In Your Defence

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a rapid evolution in the landscape of cyber security and cyber defence. According to a recent report by the National Cyber Security Centre, AI has lowered the barrier for novice cyber criminals to carry out effective access and information gathering operations, which is likely to result in a global increase in ransomware attacks in the next two years.

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Cloud Solutions Trends

Cloud Solutions Trends For The Evolving Workplace in 2024

Adapt or be left behind, Darwin’s blanket approach to biological evolution draws similar parallels to businesses in the 21st century. As technology evolves, companies must learn to adopt and leverage these technological evolutions to come out on top and stay relevant. Businesses that fail to integrate new technologies might find themselves falling behind in the competitive landscape.

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3 Ways To Support Remote Work

Work-Life Balance: 3 Ways To Support Remote Work

In response to the pressures of a tight labour market, businesses need to be competitive and progressive to attract and retain top talent. This imperative drove the launch of Singapore’s latest Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, according to members of the tripartite workgroup. Scheduled to take effect on 1st December 2024, the guidelines mandate that all employers in Singapore must fairly consider formal flexible work arrangement (FWA) requests and reply to them within two months. This precedent-setting development signals a push towards prioritising work-life balance, with stakeholders from all sides coming together to advocate for more FWAs within the workplace collectively.

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Investing in Security: Saving Costs with VAPT Services

Investing in Security: Saving Costs with VAPT Services

Experiencing a data breach can have severe and long-lasting financial consequences. The costs associated with such incidents often go beyond immediate financial losses. Companies may face expenses related to investigation and remediation, legal actions and settlements, regulatory fines, and the implementation of enhanced security measures.

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Secure Your Business

How Cybersecurity Retainers Can Help Secure Your Business 24/7

In November 2023, a ruthless cyberattack led to a 7-hour internet outage in public hospitals and polyclinics across Singapore. The disruption, categorised as a Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack, prevented legitimate users from accessing online services and crippled internal services such as emails and productivity tools. While the entire ordeal was contained without long-term consequences, a survey of local companies found that 86% of small-medium businesses were ill-equipped to defend themselves against a cyber attack. If you find yourself within that demographic, read on to find out how cybersecurity retainers offer round-the-clock protection for your business.

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Slow Internet at Work

Understanding the Importance of a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Business’s Internet and Data Infrastructure

Unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters and cyberattacks can lead to network downtime, preventing business internet and data systems from running smoothly. When the network is down, employees face obstacles in accessing essential tools and data, resulting in lowered productivity. This ultimately brings about revenue loss. Fortunately, crafting a disaster recovery plan (DRP) can help businesses deal with unexpected challenges resiliently, particularly those dependent on commercial broadband, corporate internet, and other solutions. Join us to learn more about the key aspects of implementing a DRP.

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