ALERT: Stay vigilant and exercise caution against online scams. Never share confidential information, passwords, OTPs and bank details over calls, emails or SMSes.



In our fast-paced business world, streamlined communication is not just a luxury – it is a necessity. Effective communication ensures information reaches its intended recipients promptly, allowing businesses to stay agile and competitive. Unified communication solutions facilitate this by integrating various communication tools like email, voice, messaging, and video conferencing into a single platform. Let's explore the transformative power of unified communication solutions on business dynamics.

In today's digital age, businesses are rapidly transitioning their operations online. This shift amplifies the importance of Virtual Private Server (VPS) hosting services, allowing businesses to create and operate websites, e-commerce platforms, and applications, facilitating continuous global connectivity. However, navigating the complexities of VPS can be daunting, especially for individuals without an IT background. To bridge this gap, this article demystifies key ICT skills, enabling businesses to master their VPS hosting services more effectively.

The prominence of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has grown significantly in today’s ever-evolving business landscape. With a strong emphasis on flexibility and adaptability, businesses are harnessing the power of ICT to revolutionise their operations and communication, including facilitating remote work and distributed teams. In this article, we explore how multifaceted ICT is reshaping the future of work within businesses.

Reliable high-speed internet has now become a necessity, especially for businesses. It underpins crucial functions like video conferencing, real-time communication, and global networking. In this digital landscape, businesses often weigh two primary options: business broadband and leased line services. While both deliver high-speed internet, they differ in terms of reliability, speed, and cost. In this article, we explore these distinctions, empowering you to make an informed choice that aligns with your specific business requirements.

As businesses actively seek to elevate their digital capabilities in the realm of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), the adoption of cutting-edge technologies has become an absolute necessity. Among these transformative technologies, Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) stands out. SD-WAN is a technology that simplifies and enhances the management of WANs used in corporate networks and data centres. It allows for the centralised control of WAN traffic and provides the ability to dynamically route the most effective and cost-saving network traffic. Discover the fundamental steps to effectively implement SD-WAN solutions and fully harness their advantages in this article.

Application edge computing refers to the practice of deploying computing resources, including networking capabilities, processing power, and storage, bringing them closer to the edge of the network where data is generated and consumed. Known as an emerging trend in the ICT industry, the concept holds significant potential for businesses seeking to optimise application performance and user experience, simultaneously bringing applications and services closer to the end-users or devices that require them. However, despite technological advancements, misconceptions surrounding application edge computing still exist. This article will debunk some of the popular myths and clarity on its benefits instead.

In today’s digital era, businesses heavily rely on network connectivity for seamless communication and uninterrupted operations. This is where network redundancy comes in handy. Network redundancy refers to the practice of creating multiple paths for network traffic to travel, safeguarding businesses’ operations in the face of potential network disruptions. This article will highlight the importance of network redundancy for businesses, while sharing practical tips on how to implement it effectively.

While digital transformation and technological advancements have brought many benefits to businesses, it also exposes them to more cyber threats, leading to potential significant setbacks. For example, organisations may face the constant risk of data breaches, brand image damages and financial losses. For smaller enterprises, the financial impact of a cyberattack can be even more devastating. Therefore, businesses should prioritise cybersecurity as a fundamental aspect of their operations, safeguarding their assets, reputation, and future growth. This article will pinpoint the importance of cybersecurity for businesses, and share tips for staying safe online.

Today, digital transformation has become a key driver for companies to succeed in our highly competitive business world. With a need to meet the growing expectations of customers and stand out from rivals, organisations are now turning to digital technologies for greater efficiency and streamlined operations. In this article, we will uncover the role of digital transformation in business internet, based on the three crucial aspects below.

Whether you own a small business or run a large enterprise, a fast, reliable, and secure WiFi solution can be an invaluable asset, helping you thrive in today’s digital era. The right-managed WiFi refers to a type of networking solution that offers wireless connectivity and management services for businesses. They are designed to meet specific needs including capacity, coverage, security and management features. We understand that choosing the right WiFi solution can be a challenge, especially for first timers. As such, we have developed a guide here to help ease the selection process.

As the business environment has become increasingly competitive in today’s digital era, companies must keep abreast of trends and distinguish themselves from competitors by leveraging innovative technologies that benefit them in various ways. Of all of these technologies, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can be an ideal option. Having been gaining popularity in recent years, VoIP enables businesses to make and receive phone calls over the internet, unlike traditional phone systems that only worked through dedicated lines. In this article, we will explore a few advantages of deploying VoIP for businesses.


Generative AI: How Your Business Can Benefit from Cloud Platforms

OpenAI’s launch of Sora earlier this year marked a historic milestone in the advancement of artificial intelligence. Reminiscent of 90’s science fiction, Sora’s press release was accompanied by hyper-realistic videos that were indistinguishable from actual filmed footage. Unlike large-language AI models such as ChatGPT, generative AI models such as Sora and Midjourney exemplify the new wave of AI tools that promise to revolutionise the tech landscape.

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Dedicated Internet Access

3 Benefits Dedicated Internet Access Can Offer Businesses vs Regular Broadband

Powered by high-speed internet access, information in the digital age travels at the speed of light. With the collective knowledge of the human race readily available at our fingertips, productivity’s dependence on quick and responsive connectivity has never been higher. This is especially true for businesses, many of which are undergoing digital transformations to embrace automation and artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance productivity.

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IT Workforce

IT Outsourcing: How Businesses Can Maintain A Cost-Effective IT Workforce

Whether you’re a small-medium business struggling to gain a foothold in your industry or a burgeoning organisation geared for rapid expansion, the universal problem of profitability plagues every company regardless of size or industry. Two primary challenges – overhead costs and total cost of ownership for new assets, compel today’s key decision-makers to make tough choices between efficiency and profitability. In response, third-party solutions have emerged as the optimal approach for businesses seeking to reduce overhead while establishing a cost-effective IT workforce.

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Vulnerability Management

Vulnerability Management: All You Need To Know About Discovering Blindspots In Your Defence

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a rapid evolution in the landscape of cyber security and cyber defence. According to a recent report by the National Cyber Security Centre, AI has lowered the barrier for novice cyber criminals to carry out effective access and information gathering operations, which is likely to result in a global increase in ransomware attacks in the next two years.

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Cloud Solutions Trends

Cloud Solutions Trends For The Evolving Workplace in 2024

Adapt or be left behind, Darwin’s blanket approach to biological evolution draws similar parallels to businesses in the 21st century. As technology evolves, companies must learn to adopt and leverage these technological evolutions to come out on top and stay relevant. Businesses that fail to integrate new technologies might find themselves falling behind in the competitive landscape.

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3 Ways To Support Remote Work

Work-Life Balance: 3 Ways To Support Remote Work

In response to the pressures of a tight labour market, businesses need to be competitive and progressive to attract and retain top talent. This imperative drove the launch of Singapore’s latest Tripartite Guidelines on Flexible Work Arrangement Requests, according to members of the tripartite workgroup. Scheduled to take effect on 1st December 2024, the guidelines mandate that all employers in Singapore must fairly consider formal flexible work arrangement (FWA) requests and reply to them within two months. This precedent-setting development signals a push towards prioritising work-life balance, with stakeholders from all sides coming together to advocate for more FWAs within the workplace collectively.

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Investing in Security: Saving Costs with VAPT Services

Investing in Security: Saving Costs with VAPT Services

Experiencing a data breach can have severe and long-lasting financial consequences. The costs associated with such incidents often go beyond immediate financial losses. Companies may face expenses related to investigation and remediation, legal actions and settlements, regulatory fines, and the implementation of enhanced security measures.

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Secure Your Business

How Cybersecurity Retainers Can Help Secure Your Business 24/7

In November 2023, a ruthless cyberattack led to a 7-hour internet outage in public hospitals and polyclinics across Singapore. The disruption, categorised as a Distributed-Denial-of-Service attack, prevented legitimate users from accessing online services and crippled internal services such as emails and productivity tools. While the entire ordeal was contained without long-term consequences, a survey of local companies found that 86% of small-medium businesses were ill-equipped to defend themselves against a cyber attack. If you find yourself within that demographic, read on to find out how cybersecurity retainers offer round-the-clock protection for your business.

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Slow Internet at Work

Understanding the Importance of a Disaster Recovery Plan for Your Business’s Internet and Data Infrastructure

Unforeseen circumstances like natural disasters and cyberattacks can lead to network downtime, preventing business internet and data systems from running smoothly. When the network is down, employees face obstacles in accessing essential tools and data, resulting in lowered productivity. This ultimately brings about revenue loss. Fortunately, crafting a disaster recovery plan (DRP) can help businesses deal with unexpected challenges resiliently, particularly those dependent on commercial broadband, corporate internet, and other solutions. Join us to learn more about the key aspects of implementing a DRP.

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Internet Plan For Your Business

Selecting An Internet Plan For Your Business: Key Factors To Consider

In the modern era of digital technology, internet connectivity has evolved into a basic necessity for business operations. Whether it’s providing internet access for workstations in the office, cloud solutions for on-site technologies, or simply facilitating communication through VoIP calls, nearly every essential business function in the 21st century requires internet connectivity in some form.

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Managed Network Services For Connectivity

3 Reasons Why F&B And Retail Owners Should Leverage Managed Network Services For Connectivity

Ask business owners operating in the Food and Beverage (F&B) or Retail industry and they’ll tell you how competitive and busy business can get. Increasing operational costs, tight profit margins and quicker demands have pushed businesses to rely heavily on technology and digital point-of-sale (POS) systems for their daily operations. As a result, having efficient and seamless connectivity to support these technologies and digital platforms has become a fundamental requirement for businesses functioning in these industries.

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