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Terms and Policies

Legal > GAMER Arena Terms & Conditions

MyRepublic GAMER Arena Tournament Terms & Conditions

MyRepublic GAMER Arena Tournament (“GAMER Arena”) is organised by MyRepublic Limited (“MyRepublic”). By registering and therefore participating in GAMER Arena, each participant agrees to be bound by GAMER Arena Tournament Terms & Conditions (the “Terms”).

The decision of MyRepublic will be deemed as final and irrefutable, and no correspondence will be entered into about GAMER Arena.

  1. Tournament Period

1.1. The 2020 Season 2 tournaments run from the dates stated in the below table (the “Tournament Period”). Registration for Season 2 will start on 4 May 2020, 0900 hrs Singapore time, and ends 11 June 2020 at 1800 hrs Singapore time. Any entries received thereafter will not be eligible for consideration.

1.2. Season 2

Tournament Titles

Tournament Dates 

Call of Duty: Mobile

16-17 May 2020

Mobile Legends Bang Bang

16-17 May 2020


30 May 2020

Legends of Runeterra

31 May 2020

League of Legends

13-14 June 2020


13-14 June 2020

  1. GAMER Arena Entry

2.1. GAMER Arena is open to all citizens and permanent residents of Singapore and Indonesia. Employees (and members of their immediate families) of MyRepublic Limited from both Singapore and Indonesia are prohibited from participating in GAMER Arena.

2.2. Participants must only enter the competition in their own name. Registration for GAMER Arena is non-transferable nor refundable.

2.3.Only one entry per participant is accepted.

2.4. All information submitted must be accurate and complete and is subject to proof upon request by MyRepublic. MyRepublic reserves the right, at any time, to verify the validity of entries and participants and to disqualify any entry not submitted in accordance with these Terms or which tampers with the entry process. Any misrepresentation of any fact or information may require in forfeiture, withholding, withdrawal or reclaiming of any prizes won.

2.5.Only fully completed comprehensible GAMER Arena entries or registration will be accepted by MyRepublic for participation. MyRepublic has the sole and absolute discretion to determine the eligibility of any potential participant.

2.6. MyRepublic is not responsible for any loss of entries due to any problems caused by telephone lines or systems or internet service providers, for entries received after the deadline as a consequence of telephone or internet service delays, interruptions, failures or overloads. Entries are void if unreadable, inaccurate, incomplete, damaged, mutilated, tampered with, falsified, mechanically reproduced, irregular in any way or otherwise not in compliance with these Terms.

  1. GAMER Arena Tournament Format

3.1. Participants must be available on the tournament dates. By registering, this implies the acceptance to the terms and conditions of GAMER Arena Tournaments.

3.2. No substitution of participants is permitted.

3.3. For Call of Duty: Mobile, Mobile Legends Bang Bang and League of Legends tournaments, participants are required to register as a full team of 5 members. For Legends of Runeterra, Heathstone and FIFA20 tournaments, participants register as individuals.

3.4. The official communication channel during the online qualifiers will be via Discord.

3.5. Bracket shuffle will be conducted after registration has closed. Team captains will be notified on their respective entries via email.

3.6. Team captain is required to enter Discord for reporting 15 minutes prior to every online match. A 10-minute grace from the start time of the match is given to late participants. A win will be awarded to the other team if the full team is unable to check in 10 minutes after start time.

3.7. Tournament will only start when the full team checks in.

3.9. Participant name and game ID name will be checked by MyRepublic at the venue prior to commencement of final tournaments.

  1. Participant Conduct

4.1. At all times while participating in GAMER Arena, the participant must not:

(a) post, or transmit through GAMER Arena any content that is: defamatory, abusive, vulgar, obscene, profane or offensive;

(b) infringes or violates another party’s intellectual property rights;

(c) violates any party’s right to protection of personal data;

(d) threatens, harasses or that promotes racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind against any group or individual;

(e) promotes or encourages violence;

(f) illegal or promotes any illegal activities;

(g) engage in, or in connection with fraudulent activity; or

(h) contains any advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation

4.2. Hacks, mods, cheats or third party applications are not allowed. Any form of cheating including without limitation sharing accounts, ghosting and piloting, is strictly prohibited. Any form of cheat results in disqualification regardless whether the cheat is successful or not.

4.3. The participant must not:

(a) gain unauthorized access to the GAMER Arena’s systems or any account (other than the participant’s own), interfere with the communications, procedures or performance of GAMER Arena or deliberately damage or undermine any systems or sites related to GAMER Arena;

(b) affect the outcome of the participant’s online game tournament means of or with the assistance of macros, bots, automated programs, screen analysis utilities, player collusion, any type of modifications, memory readers, telepathy, alien technology or similar methods or to otherwise commit fraud in relation to GAMER Arena;

(c) alter the human skill component of any game played in the tournament; or

(d) not data scrape, copy, aggregate, redistribute, alter, reproduce or re-use for commercial purposes any participant’s information accessible through GAMER Arena

4.4. Any attempt to carry out acts in Clauses 4.1 to 4.3 above will result in the termination of participation and forfeiture of any prize to which the participant would otherwise receive. MyRepublic, in its sole discretion, reserves the right to terminate any participant’s entry who is suspected of tampering with their game results for the tournament entered.

4.5. MyRepublic shall have the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of the tournaments, including chats, to determine compliance with these Terms and any rules established by MyRepublic and to satisfy any law, regulation or authorized government request.

  1. Prizes

5.1. The prize is as specified in the respective tournament information. The process for determining the winner of the prize is as indicated in the tournament information.

5.2. Claims for prizes must be made in the manner and within the time specified on the respective tournament information. Failure to claim a prize within this time or in the manner specified may result in disqualification and selection of an alternate winner.

5.3. The prize may be in the form of cash or physical goods. For clarity, any physical goods awarded is non-refundable and no cash alternative will be given. MyRepublic reserves the right to substitute prizes of equal or greater value at any time.

5.4. MyRepublic reserves the right to deal with any unclaimed prize in any manner it deems fit.

5.5. MyRepublic’s decision on all matters relating to GAMER Arena Tournaments will be final, binding and conclusive on all participants participating in GAMER Arena, and no correspondence will be entertained. Where applicable, the participants may be subject to such further terms as specified by MyRepublic and agree to abide by the same. Notwithstanding any other provision of these Terms.

  1. Data Protection and Publicity

6.1. The participant understands that participation in GAMER Arena may require the participant to directly provide information which may personally identify the participant (“personal data”) to third party game service providers to access a game or tournament.

6.2. MyRepublic will not disclose a participant’s personal data to a third party without the individual’s consent. Please refer to MyRepublic’s Privacy Policy for further details.

6.3. As part of GAMER Arena, the participants may have the ability to include certain personal data in the participant’s public profile. The participant hereby consents to the disclosure of its personal data provided on its public profile if the participant elects to do so.

6.4. By participating in GAMER Arena, each participant consents and hereby grants to MyRepublic a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, edit, modify, create derivatives works from, combine with other works, post, transmit, display, publish, communicate to public, broadcast, distribute and/or otherwise visually exploit the submission (if applicable) and the participant’s name, Instagram photo, written communications, likeness and any other details supplied as part of GAMER Arena in any media, technology or content delivery mechanism now known or hereinafter devised for GAMER Arena, and in connection of promotional and marketing purposes of MyRepublic, without requiring any further consent or additional consideration.

  1. General Terms

7.1. The participant is responsible for obtaining and maintaining all equipment needed for access to and use of GAMER Arena and all charges related thereto. MyRepublic shall not be liable for damage to a participant’s equipment in any way including without limitation any server failure, lost, delayed or corrupted data or other malfunction.

7.2. The participant agrees that GAMER Arena is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis. MyRepublic is not responsible for technical, hardware or software malfunctions, failure to store participant’s tournament data, participant’s in-game communication data or personalised settings, lost or unavailable network connections, disconnects from the participant’s tournament, tournament interruptions or any incorrect or inaccurate results that may be posted on the participant’s tournament. These tournaments may be suspended temporarily and without notice in the case of system failure, maintenance or repair or for reasons reasonably beyond the control of MyRepublic.

7.3. MyRepublic makes no representation, warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, in fact or law, relative to any prize, including but not limited to its quality, mechanical condition, fitness for any purpose or non-infringement.

7.4. To the maximum extent permitted by law, each participant agrees to indemnify each of the MyRepublic, sponsors, licensors and third party content providers (“Organisers”) from any losses, damages, costs, expenses, claims or liabilities of any kind arising in connection with the participant’s participation in GAMER Arena.

7.5. To the maximum extent permitted by law, each participant agrees that Organisers shall not be liable for loss, claims or damage of any kind arising out of or in connection with execution of GAMER Arena, the participants’ acts omissions or negligence, awarding, use, misuse or possession of the awarded prize. In the event the limitation of liability is not permitted by law, MyRepublic’s aggregate cumulative liability shall not exceed S$30 whether in contract or tort (including negligence) or otherwise resulting or arising from or connected with GAMER Arena or these Terms.

7.6. MyRepublic may terminate GAMER Arena, or vary these Terms without prior notice at its sole and absolute discretion. Any changes will be posted either within the tournament information or these Terms. Such modifications shall be immediately effective and apply to all entries, including entries that have been submitted to MyRepublic.

7.7. MyRepublic reserves the right to disqualify any participant if it has reasonable grounds to believe the participant has breached any of the Terms.

7.8. In the event of any inconsistency between these Terms and any brochure, marketing or promotion material relating to GAMER Arena, these Terms shall prevail.

7.9. GAMER Arena shall be governed by Singapore law and each participant agrees to submit any claim, dispute or controversy to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the Republic of Singapore.

7.10. Any queries regarding GAMER Arena should specify “GAMER Arena” on the subject title and be addressed to [email protected].

7.11. MyRepublic reserves the right to vary or modify these GAMER Arena Tournament Terms and Conditions at its sole discretion without prior notice.