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Augmented reality (AR) has transformed our perception of reality by combining computer-generated digital information with the physical world. We are now immersed in a world where virtual elements are seamlessly merged with the surroundings. Despite the advancement, the frustration of sluggish internet connections can significantly hinder this experience. To ensure an optimal AR experience, it’s essential to prioritise enhanced broadband speed and minimised latency. Let’s explore how you can achieve this.
1. Content Optimisation
With advanced broadband infrastructure, such as 1Gbps and 2Gbps fibre broadband options, uninterrupted AR experiences are no longer a myth. However, as AR applications often require live-streaming large amounts of data, including 3D models, textures, and animations, an adequate bandwidth is essential to maintain optimal performance. To put it into perspective, an extreme VR resolution requires at least 1Gbps of bandwidth for support. Here’s what you can do to optimise AR content delivery for faster loading times and minimal buffering.
● Optimise File Sizes and Formats
● Implement Efficient Compression Algorithms
Depending on the nature of the content, developers can choose between two compression techniques: lossless or lossy. The former preserves all the original data at its initial quality whereas the latter sacrifices some details to achieve higher compression ratios. The decision between these techniques depends on factors such as the specific requirements of the AR application and the available bandwidth.
● Caching
2. Continuous Innovation and Adaptation
Statista forecasts a surge in the AR market from around $3.5 billion in 2017 to over $198 billion by 2025. The future may also see a significant increase in interactions with AR content. To keep up with this expansion, continuous innovation, and technological adaptation—Wi-Fi 6, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence (AI)—are crucial to enhance the quality of AR applications.
Learn more: 4 Benefits of 10Gbps Broadband