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Debunking the Myths Surrounding Netflix Streaming

Netflix Streaming In Tablet

If you were to ask about the weekend activities of people who opt to stay indoors, the predominant response would likely involve indulging in some Netflix time. This observation isn’t just an assumption; Netflix has indeed become a significant part of our entertainment routines today. Initially resembling Blockbuster with its DVD rental-by-mail model, Netflix has transformed into a subscription-based service boasting a staggering 238.8 million subscribers as of 2023. Additionally, it generated an impressive $33.7 billion in revenue, reflecting a 6.6% annual increase. Despite its popularity, there are still myths revolving around the streaming giant, particularly about data consumption, video quality, and its impact on internet connectivity. In this article, we will debunk them once and for all.

Myth 1: Netflix Always Consumes a Large Amount of Data

While streaming shows on Netflix can consume a significant amount of data, its actual usage varies based on several factors such as video quality settings, streaming duration, and device compatibility. For example, streaming in high definition (HD) or ultra-high definition (UHD) will naturally consume more data compared to standard definition (SD). Fortunately, you can manage your data consumption by selecting the appropriate video quality on Netflix to suit your data plan and viewing preferences. Here are the different video quality options to choose from:

● SD (Standard Definition)

● HD (High Definition)

● UHD (Ultra High Definition) / 4K

Myth 2: Netflix Streaming Always Requires a High-Speed Internet Connection

Opting for the fastest broadband in Singapore is undoubtedly wise for smooth Netflix streaming. However, did you know that Netflix can adapt to different connection speeds and bandwidths to ensure optimal video quality? Thanks to its adaptive streaming technology, even with slower internet connections, you can still binge-watch your favourite Netflix shows at a satisfactory level of video quality. This technology continuously monitors your internet connection speed throughout the streaming session. If it detects an improvement, it gradually increases the video quality by adjusting the bitrate. Conversely, the resolution and video quality changes as your connection speed decreases.

Myth 3: Streaming Netflix on Mobile Devices Always Results in Excessive Data Usage

Streaming Netflix on mobile devices can indeed use up data, but there are tips to minimise the consumption. Instead of utilising your mobile data excessively while on the go, consider downloading select titles for offline viewing. Compile your watchlist and download them under a Wi-Fi connection. Alternatively, make good use of Netflix’s data usage setting to optimise mobile streaming. Simply access the app’s menu or settings section to select your preferred data usage option, ranging from Auto, Low, Medium to High. With these options, you can enjoy your favourite shows and movies while keeping data usage in check.

Myth 4: Watching Netflix on Smart TVs Always Guarantees the Best Video Quality

While Smart TVs boast a larger screen size for a more immersive viewing experience, the video quality of Netflix depends on various factors beyond the device itself. These include the speed of your internet connection, the settings for video resolution, and the content encoding. Even if you have a smart TV with a 4K display, it will only play high-quality content if your internet connection is fast enough and you own a Netflix plan that supports UHD streaming. Therefore, uninterrupted streaming of high-resolution content relies more on a dependable internet connection than solely on the capabilities of smart TVs.

Watching Netflix On Smart TV

How Reliable Broadband Improves the Overall Experience

Having high-speed broadband is crucial for an optimal Netflix streaming experience, improving video quality while minimising buffering and loading times. This is made possible by its ample bandwidth, which allows more video data to be transferred per second when you stream Netflix content. With this in mind, resilient home fibre broadband enables you and your family members to enjoy simultaneous viewing across multiple devices.

Whether you’re streaming the newest blockbuster or downloading your to-watch list, indulge in your Netflix session by signing up for MyRepublic’s 10Gbps broadband package! Make the most of Netflix streaming with a stable and fast internet connection today.